The main arena Derby bank overlooks the arena and the farm.
Competition Amenities within a Farm Setting
As we added competition facilities to the Ocala Jockey Club grounds, one overriding factor was important to us. People fall in love with our farm for the views and the unfettered beauty of the rolling hills. We wanted to add the ability to conduct special equestrian competitions, but we didn't wish to take away from the ambience. The main stadium is a grass arena, irregular in shape to fit into the surroundings, measuring at around 10,000 sf, with a derby bank leading up to the Clubhouse, shaped by people but almost as if nature could have done it herself. The practice arena is also a grass one, built with the naturally-occuring Bahia grass that provides excellent footing year-round.
The cross-country courses (one for each of the 3*, 2* and 1* levels) wind through the vacant parkland and the developed farm, pass through the main stadium, and proceed through a water jump into the pond just outside the Clubhouse, for a dramatic unforgettable view of action right from the Clubhouse. The jumps have been designed and built to fit into nature as well, appearing as overturned logs, stream crossings and other natural obstacles, just built on a scale that make them accessible only to the most courageous of equestrians.
The second water jump of the cross-country course will be in this pond by the OJC Clubhouse.

The cross-country courses wind over the miles of rolling hills of the farm, through the oak tree-studded parkland setting.
The jumps, designed by Mike Etherington-Smith and built by Tyson Rementer, are meant to blend into the natural environment.
Going through the cross-country course like it was meant to be - a ride through beautiful countryside, over natural (if eye-popping) obstacles.
It isn't easy to comprehend the size and scope of this massive hammock jump without standing next to it. Artwork at its best.
The view as seen from a rider's perspective, going over the second 1* double ditch effort.

The double ditch efforts.
The table jump efforts, set up over the single ditch, look like a simple picnic table for a family of very, very tall people.